Friday, January 20, 2012


Ahhh after a nice month off from thinking about anything pertaining to getting pregnant I am rearing to go and ready to subject myself to one last try. I am ready for my FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer). I went in to my initial consultation with my fertility Dr. Jan 9th and we just talked a little bit about the process. She said it will be a much kinder process than IVF for sure. I have two preliminary blood tests only, for Toxoplasmosis(i requested this one) and an Antibody Screen (this one is to make sure i have not developed a resistance to the embryos where my immune system would attack them)thats if I understood the dr correctly lol. Medication I will have only two meds I will have to take...Progesterone & Methylprednisolone.

The FET can be done with medication or with my natural cycle..thankfully my cycles are normal and I ovulate just fine so we are going to do it with my natural cycle. It can get a little tricky because this time around my cycle is not going to be controlled by medication so I will have to check everyday for when my LH Surge(ovulation)will happen. I have to get one of those ovulation test kits and test twice a day starting around 12-14 days after my period starts. The problem with this is that sometimes the tests can come back with false results and we can risk missing when I ovulate. Well I just will have to be on top of that.. Dr said that I just have to try to test on the second pee break of the day soo it's not soo concentrated...which can give false results. Hopefully if my period comes on time next month then I will start testing on the 14th. We may have to do whats called Assisted Hatching (Definition: Assisted hatching occurs in the lab prior to the embryo transfer. Before the embryo can implant in the uterine wall, it must break out of its membrane. In some women, particularly older women, this membrane is hardened, making it difficult for the embryo to hatch and implant. The technician will use a laser or a mild acid to thin the shell, enabling hatching.) this is done when embryos have been previously frozen too because freezing can harden the embryo shell.

My Tentative schedule is as follows:

2/4/12: expect menstrual cycle
2/14/12: start LH testing twice daily on cycle day 11 (between 10-2pm and 5-8pm)
2/16/12: ultrasound , pre-op
2/18/12: call office with LH Surge result
2/20/12: ultrasound 2 days after the LH Surge is detected
2/21/12: progesterone blood test 3 days after LH Surge is detected
2/22/12: take antibiotic pill
2/23/12: Embryo Transfer day!
3/5/12: pregnancy test.. Ahhh!

Well now I'm just waitin on my pesky period hopefully it will come as scheduled ;) ciao ciao for now! Aracely


Janet Pittsenbarger said...

AH! I have an ovulation predictor kit left over that I obviously don't need anymore. I'll send it to you...just a suggestion but to be extra sure you should get like three kits and test each pee sample three times (or other pee samples through out the day). I have good feelings about this round, met a mom with twins that did not have success the first round of IVF but the second one she got twins!

Aracely said...

Thank you chica! Ahh Yes that is a good idea I will buy two more kits so I have three with yours..just to be sure I'm getting the right test results. :)

Jonalyn said...

You're back! I've been wondering if you were ready to try again. :) I would totally try different ovulation kits. Use different brands w/the same pee, just to be sure. :)

Tessa said...

Hello. If you have a smart phone download the app called "my days" its helpful in tracking your period, when you should be ovulating and allows you to record different things. Might be helpful. Good luck!! Praying its successful this time around. Tessa

Aracely said...

Hi Tessa, thank you for the tip. I will check it out :)...Jonalyn: I know im back ;) we are gonna give it one last try.. unfortunately we dont really have a choice to try again after this :(...oh well I am hoping that this time our efforts will be fruitful. If not, I was wondering if you could give me some insight on how the adoption process is like? Since you have been through it yourself.