A chemical pregnancy occurs when an embryo does not implant properly. The embryo produces enough HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) to be detected on the beta HCG blood test and sensitive uterine pregnancy home tests, but because it does not develop normally, the pregnancy doe not occur.
Causes of a chemical pregnancy:
The commonest cause is a genetic abnormality in the embryo, and nature prevents this abnormal embryo from developing any further. Genetic abnormalities can be because of multiple factors, but most of them are random and unpredictable.
I was instructed to come in on Friday morning to test again to see which direction the levels are going..once they are below 5 then they can determine that the pregnancy will not occur. The nurse informed me that sometimes the levels start out low in a normal pregnancy but usually they see the levels at 20 or 30 to start not 7... I am on the lowest end...
Whats next you say? Well we have one last chance at it..our IVF package covers one frozen embryo transfer...if the fresh IVF cycle was not successful...we have three frozen embryos that I am seriously considering having them all put in to increase our chances of at least one of them implanting successfully. Ideally I wanted those extra embryos for siblings but at this point I am hoping for at least one child to come out of this whole experience... I am not sure what my Dr. will say about putting all three in ..I am taking the chance for all three to implant..soo im very nervous about that... I don't know, at my age, if my body can handle being pregnant with triplets...that really scares me..I dont foresee us having the money to be able to transfer our last embryo that we will have left if I have only two put back...well decisions decisions..this is tough..for now I am going to worry about what is right in front of me..the 2nd pregnancy test on Friday...